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Lower Glute Exercises

These Lower Body Glute Exercises Will Tighten, Tone and Firm


These Lower Body Glute Exercises Will Tighten, Tone and Firm

Try out these bodyweight exercises to tone and tighten your glutes beyond your wildest imagination.

When I created the NW Method, I focused on targeting three specific areas: behind the arms, waist and the butt. Our bodies are constantly in a forward motion and in habitual movements like working from home. NW focuses on opening the hips to get the blood flowing by energizing and stabilizing the lower limbs with moves like the ones listed below. NW movements were created to ensure balance, flexibility and strength in the glutes and hips. 

My philosophy for toning and growing the glutes is to continually target them and that is EXACTLY what NW Method does. With 30 reps each side, your butt is bound to be on fire at the end. 

We are all currently living in the age of the booty. We’ve all got one, and we all deserve to spend a little time giving it some love. No matter how big or small, we can all appreciate a little toning and firming. After all, all booties matter. Add these seven exercises below to your regular workouts to give your glutes a little kick up the butt and get them into shape!

Attitude Lift and Side Extension 

Stand up straight with your shoulders back, and engage your core. With your starting leg, lift it off the floor backwards and towards the opposite corner, as if drawing out a capital L in the air with your toes. 

Then, extend your leg straight, kicking out in the same direction as the working leg, before lowering it back to the ground. 

This is one completed rep.

Side Medium Lift

Assume your starting position on your hands and knees, keeping your hands shoulder-width apart, knees hip-width apart and your spine neutral.

Remaining stable on the ground on one knee and the same side arm, reach your other arm behind to hold on to the calf of the starting leg. 

Slowly pulse your leg up and down.

This is one completed rep.

Diagonal Cross

To begin, assume the same starting position as the previous exercise. Bring your working leg up and bring the opposite elbow down. Return to your starting position.

This is one completed rep.

Back Tap Releases

Begin with the same starting position as the last exercise. With your starting leg, kick out on the same side at a ninety degree angle. Bring your starting leg back around and tap your foot with the opposite arm’s hand.

Return to your starting position.

This is one completed rep.

Forearm Fire Hydrant

Assume your starting position, almost the same as the previous exercise except that you lower yourself on to your forearms with hands clasped together. Lift your bent knee to hip-height, straight outwards, then slowly kick backwards. Slowly drop your leg back down to reassume your starting position.

This is one completed rep.

Plank Pulse and Kickback

Assume your starting position with a simple plank. Kick your starting leg back towards the opposite side. With your starting leg still mid-air, slowly drop your hips until they touch the ground. Without letting your weight rest on the ground, raise yourself into a plank once more. Finally, lower your starting leg to the ground again to resume your starting position.

This is one completed rep.

Lunge Wrap Push-Up

Assume your starting position of a kneeling lunge. Kick your starting leg backwards whilst simultaneously doing a push-up.

Return to your starting position.

This is one completed rep.

Your glutes will be on FIRE after these intricate yet effective moves. 

You have to give a little in order to receive, and the results you will achieve with this workout, coupled with a bit of consistency, will make all the sore muscles worth it in the end. Set off on your journey to tight and toned glutes, we’re sure everyone behind you will love the view!
