Post NWMethod® Glow
Definition of Trust:
According to Oxford (Noun)
The firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or stregnth of someone or something.
An Arrangement whereby a person (a trustee) holds property as it’s nominal owner for the good of one or more beneficiaries
Believe in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of.
Allow credit to (a customer).
Almost all our NW Method videos have a theme. Words are powerful and when we meditate on words, they become things. Check out our NWMethod Video: Trust. It was filmed at Bandier in New York City and was one of the most fun workouts! In NWMethod Video: Trust, we don’t cue much, because we leave it up to your own intuition and visual centers to pick up the exercises through building Trust. We have other videos on our platform that offer, solo shots of Nicole guiding you and verbalizing the exercises- but this collection NWMethod Advanced NYC Group Classes is about energizing your instinctual muscles to get you to Trust Yourself.
I’ve been meditating on this word, for a while, and why it’s so important to develop self-trust for your health. Self trust is the foundation of belief and confidence in oneself. Without it, there would not be enough self trust in the capabilities of your body to produce the outcome that you want it to produce. Often, why our mind and our bodies aren’t cooperating, is because most have lost the trust in oneself. Over time, we have gone through pain, trauma, and other experiences that have challenged our self-trust muscle, making our confidence go extremely low.
Without confidence, it can be hard to achieve anything in life. We also need compassion, but- confidence can be a real game changer to your fitness and health. I wrote this article 4 years ago, and just now, have felt like it’s the perfect time to release it. I’ve gone through my own journey with trust and confidence and know how important it is to hear your own voice and self-trust.
Here are the best ways to build your confidence:
To know what we want, what we accept, what we need, in life we need some form of confidence to execute. When you have confidence (not a big ego), it’s an inner self knowing, gentler self-confidence. It comes from within. Seeing and believing that you don’t need to acquire things in life to get that confidence. Not much reliance on material things to feel confident or worthy of- but a confidence that is the foundation of who you are. This type of inner confidence is a will, trust, belief in yourself that far outweigh anything you can acquire in life. When you exercise this muscle, you attract more things to you, and fulfill your desires in life.
I think the best way to build confidence, is through the body. Our bodies are magnificent machines, made to produce on a multi-cellular level. Through movement and actively connecting to your body, you can build strength.
Tactful ways to build your confidence:
Write down all your accomplishments to date. Doing this reminds you that no matter where you are in your life, accomplishment is possible. Building inner strength and inner worth. Read what you wrote down. Say “I did this”
Ask 3 friends what your best gifts are. Sometimes when we’re within ourselves, we don’t see the gifts we bring to others. Reach out to those you feel comfortable with. Ask them, you’ll be surprised to learn how others see you.
Do something that scares you this week. We all have a lot of fears and overtime we build up those fears through trauma, failure, being let down, sometimes the fear builds up inside us. Doing something every day that scares you massages that part of you that pushes you to do the things that scare you, you build that power and inner will
Suck in your stomach 20 times in a row, this builds your solar plexus. Our solar plexus is our will, our energy center. Reminds us to stay grounded. 20 exercise each day to pull in that center. If you’d like to try some new ab exercises try a video in our NW® 30 min or less
Write down 10 reasons you are amazing! You matter, what you think about yourself is the only real opinion that matters. Did you do your best? Did you try your hardest? Did you do your best with what you had at the moment to be your best? Be gentle with yourself. “I did the best that I could, I really did” Those small steps add up over time.
Workout even though you don’t feel like it. This can build your confidence. When you sweat, move your body, shake, move and feel, it builds the confidence. Check out one of our Intro Chakra 7 Day Course to get into a new habit!
Plan your day and write it down. Check off what you’ve accomplished. Write down on a calendar, in a notebook. It feels good to check off what you’ve done. Make a list and check it off.
Write down 5 ways you can do something nice for someone you love. If you’re feeling giving, this will help you feel confident. Explore in the ways you give to others.
Go for a walk and notice 5 beautiful things. When you’re in nature, it expands your energy. Cold air can bring freshness to the lungs.
Write down 10 things you are grateful for. Have a gratitude journal. Sometimes we focus on the things we don’t have or lack. We forget all the things that are in our lives. This brings up our vibration. When you focus on things you don’t have, it feels heavy and doesn’t allow for us to recognize things we do have.